Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
What Makes Brains Conscious?
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Everything I know -- everything! -- comes from my brain. Consciousness, our private sense of inner awareness, is the one big question to which we might find answers.
Featuring interviews with Arnold Scheibel, John Mazziotta, Christof Koch, Joseph LeDoux, and Stephen Chorover.
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Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Dan Dennett on the Mysteries of the Mind
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett discusses his new memoir, I've Been Thinking, about the dominant themes of twentieth-century philosophy and cognitive science—including language, evolution, logic, religion, free will, consciousness, and AI.
Dennett's book, I've Been Thinking, is available for purchase now.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for free at closertotruth.com today.
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Will Kinney on Cosmic Inflation and the Beginning of the Universe
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Cosmologist and physics professor Will Kinney discusses his latest book, An Infinity of Worlds: Cosmic Inflation and the Beginning of the Universe. Kinney considers what happened before the primordial fire of the Big Bang. What is the origin of structure in the cosmos? Can we come to terms with the possibility that our entire observable universe is one of infinitely many, forever hidden from our view?
Will Kinney is a professor in the department of physics at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York. His areas of expertise are cosmology, dark matter, astronomy, black holes, and gravitational waves.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for free at closertotruth.com.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
The Marvels of Space-Time
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Einstein showed that space and time are essentially the same thing-a single entity, space-time. But space and time seem so radically different. How could space and time be literally the same thing?
Featuring interviews with Max Tegmark, J. Gott, Juan Maldacena, Fotini Markopoulou, and John Leslie.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for a free membership at closertotruth.com.
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Samuel Lebens on Jewish Philosophy
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
In honor of Rosh Hashanah, this week's podcast presents the arguments for, and against, the existence of God in Judaic history. From pogroms to the Holocaust, how to deal with the Problem of Evil — with respect to the existence of God and attributes of God? From a Jewish Orthodox perspective, do all religions worship the same God?
Samuel Lebens is an academic philosopher and an ordained Orthodox rabbi, having studied at various Israeli Rabbinical schools. He is an associate Professor in the philosophy department at the University of Haifa and co-founder of the Association for the Philosophy of Judaism.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
What Exists?
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
What exists? Lots of things exist. But what’s truly fundamental? The challenge is to discern the minimum number of basic categories that explains the entirety of existence.
Featuring interviews with Sean Carroll, David Wallace, David Chalmers, and Don Page.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for free at closertotruth.com.
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
What Are Dreams About?
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Throughout history, dreams have fascinated and mystified. Messages from God? Images of the subconscious? Much about dreams is myth. What's real?
Featuring interviews with Robert Stickgold, Deirdre Barrett, Christopher Isham, and Patrick McNamara.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for free at closertotruth.com.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
What is Time?
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
To appreciate Time is to touch the texture of reality. Does Time differ from our common perceptions of it? Is Time fixed or flexible? What is time, really?
Featuring interviews with Huw Price, Julian Barbour, David Albert, Jeff Tollaksen, and John Polkinghorne.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for a free membership at www.closertotruth.com.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Do Angels and Demons Exist?
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Many theologians take angels and demons seriously. Why? Do most human beings believe in angels and demons? Certainly, such nonphysical beings, in one form or another, populate most of the world's religions. Featuring interviews with J.P. Moreland, Thomas Flint, Dean Radin, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, and James Tabor.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for a free membership at www.closertotruth.com.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Dr. Aomawa Shields on Life on Other Planets
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Astrobiologist Dr. Aomawa Shields discusses her latest book, Life on Other Planets: A Memoir of Finding My Place in the Universe. The book charts her life as an astronomer, classically-trained actor, mother, and Black woman in STEM, searching for life in the universe while building a meaningful life here on Earth. Dr. Shields studies the universe outside our Solar System, researching and uncovering the planets circling distant stars with just the right conditions that could support life.
Shields' book, Life on Other Planets, is on sale now.
For subscriber-only exclusives, register for a free account today at www.closertotruth.com.