Tuesday May 19, 2015
Why Do We Sleep?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Why do we spend so much of our lives not awake? What do sleeping and dreaming reveal about consciousness?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Will The Universe Ever End?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
COSMOS - In the far, far future, what happens to planets, stars, galaxies, black holes? What’s the ‘Big Rip’ and the ‘Big Crunch’? And if 'multiple universes’ exist, if one universe ends, do others begin?
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
Does ESP Reveal The Nonphysical
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Some claim their scientific study of ESP overturns the worldview of science. Should we take these startling pronouncements seriously? If so, what would it mean for events in the physical world to defy all known physical laws? Either there is something misleading about those events or something beyond those physical laws.
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
Can ESP Reveal a New Reality?
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - If ESP is real--that's a big "If"--then our entire worldview would change. Existence would be somehow enlarged. But extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
How Many Universes Exist
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
COSMOS - More than one universe? A ridiculous question no more! How could multiple universes be generated, and can we ever find evidence, one way or another? Talk about expanding your horizons: you can't imagine what's in store!
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
How Could God Know the Future
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
MEANING - God is supposed to have perfect knowledge, which includes all true statements about the future. Does this mean that God knows everything about what is to come? But if the future doesn't yet exist, then there is nothing now to know. Theologians battle among themselves.
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Why Science And Religion Think Differently
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
COSMOS - Science and religion-each pursues Big Truth and offers total solutions. Science works. That's for sure. Religion? Not so sure. Does any reality exist beyond the expanding reach of science?
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Can Many Religions All be True
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
MEANING - No one denies the diversity of human religions, and the apparent incompatibility of their core beliefs. Many believe only their own religion to be True. Some claim all religions reflect the same Truth. Others assert that differing dogmas expose the emptiness of all religion.
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Is Consciousness Fundamental
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Is our mental life a random accident, solely the product or byproduct of physical brain? Or is there something deeply special about conscious awareness that may reveal a hidden reality?
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Whats the Far Future of Intelligence
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
COSMOS - Consider humanity's astounding progress in science during the past three hundred years. Now take a deep breath and project forward, oh say, three billion years.