Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Is Death Final?
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Death is the ultimate defeat. No matter our successes, we are all doomed to suffer the final failure. But some claim that death is not final. Can the defeat be defeated?
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
What's Wrong With Immortal Souls?
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Do human beings have immortal souls? Science dismisses anything nonphysical, and even some theologians reject immortal souls. But if no immortal souls, what happens to eternal life?
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Immortality and Eternal Life
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - I'd like to live forever. Wouldn't you? But what would "living forever" mean? Almost every religion offers life after death. What would immortality and eternal life be like?
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
What Things Are Conscious?
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
Wednesday Jul 01, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Consciousness is the great mystery of inner awareness. Where does it exist? Humans, obviously. Animals? Which animals? Chimps, elephants, dolphins, dogs? Termites, snails, amoeba, bacteria? What about non-biological intelligences like super-supercomputers of the future?
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
How Free is God
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
MEANING - God is supposed to be all-powerful, all-knowing and all good. In addition, is God is supposed to be 'all-free'? What does it mean for God to be perfectly free? Can God do literally anything? Can God make choices or must God always do the 'best', whatever 'best' may mean for each action? Are there any limits on God's freedom?
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Eternal Life is Like What
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
MEANING - How to imagine the experience of eternal life? Would we sense ourselves? How would we feel? Whom would we know? What would we do? What would God do? Living forever seems so absurd, yet eternal life is the promise of almost every religion. But if we cannot even imagine what eternal life will be, how can we have hope in its reality?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
How Do Humans Differ From Other Animals?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Physically, humans and animals seem similar. Mentally, humans seem so superior. What's so special about human nature?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Did The Universe Have A Beginning?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
COSMOS - Some scientists claim that the universe did not have a beginning. Some theologians contend that the universe did not need a beginning.
Tuesday May 19, 2015
What Is Nothing?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
COSMOS - What if nothing ever existed? Scientists claim that the universe came from nothing. But what's the nature of nothing? That's where the confusion lies.
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Why Do We Sleep?
Tuesday May 19, 2015
Tuesday May 19, 2015
CONSCIOUSNESS - Why do we spend so much of our lives not awake? What do sleeping and dreaming reveal about consciousness?