Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
If God Knows the Future, What is Free Will?
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
CONSCIOUSNESS - For God to be God, God must be infallible and know the future perfectly, including all my actions from birth to death. For my will to be free, my actions must not be constrained. But if God knows the future - if God literally knows now what I am going to do later - then how are my actions later not constrained? How then free will?
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Arguing God with Analytic Philosophy
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
MEANING - I desire God to be real, so I know that the easiest person to fool is myself. That's why I favor rational arguments for, and against, the existence of a Supreme Creator.
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Fallacies in Proving God Exists
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
MEANING - The more I want God to exist, the more I must question proofs of God's existence. "Bad arguments for God" scare me. Maybe all the "God Arguments" are bad? I hope not.
Monday Nov 16, 2015
How To Think About God's Existence
Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
MEANING - God exists? God does not exist? I find flaws and fallacies in both sides. So I step away from "arguments" about God and ask how to approach God's existence. What's the process?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
What Is Ultimate Reality?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
COSMOS - What’s the deepest nature of things? Our world is complex, filled with so much stuff. But down below, what's fundamental? Only the physical world? Or anything nonphysical?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
What Things Are Real?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
COSMOS - Is the physical world real? Or an expression of consciousness. Is consciousness real? Or an illusion? Is there a spirit world? Many dismiss anything other than the physical.
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
How Can Emergence Explain Reality?
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
Tuesday Oct 20, 2015
COSMOS - Does ordinary stuff have mysterious properties? Take anything; find all its parts; combine those parts any way you like. What do you expect? Nothing at all like what you have. It's called "emergence" and it describes how wondrously our world works. But is it a real mystery?
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Is God Responsible For Evil?
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
MEANING - How on earth could God be reconciled with massive, monstrous Evil? If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, and if God is the creator, wouldn’t God be responsible for evil?
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Does Evil Disprove God?
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Friday Sep 25, 2015
MEANING - Theologians have no tougher task than explaining evil, its enormity even more than its existence. Give the clergy their due: they've devised clever, even profound, rationale. But at the end of the long day, do these explanations, or rationalizations, really work?
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Did God Create Evil?
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Friday Sep 25, 2015
MEANING - Whoever believes in the existence of God must explain the presence of evil. To theists, it's "the problem of evil," which they struggle to resolve. To atheists, it's "the argument from evil," which they wield like a sword. Moreover, if God is all-powerful and all-knowing, how could God not have created evil?