Friday Jul 28, 2017
Does Hell Reveal God?
Friday Jul 28, 2017
Friday Jul 28, 2017
MEANING - What kind of God would create hell? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism and Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer Insight into what that God would be like?
Friday Jul 28, 2017
What's in a Resurrection?
Friday Jul 28, 2017
Friday Jul 28, 2017
MEANING - Judaism, Christianity and Islam each proclaim a resurrection of the dead, a bodily reconstruction of all people from all time. How would it work? Does it make sense?
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Science and the Future of Humanity
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
CONSCIOUSNESS - Humankind has learned so much, so fast. What are the risks of scientific knowledge? Look to the future. Artificial intelligence. Genetic engineering. Benefits? Dangers?
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Observing Quanta, Observing Nature?
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
COSMOS - Why is an observer key to quantum physics? Does the act of observation affect what exists and what happens in the external world? Why is Observation in the quantum world a mystery?
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Is the Universe Theologically Ambiguous?
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
COSMOS - Scientists split on whether the universe confirms or denies God. Though most leading scientists do not believe in God, some do. What can we learn from the dispute?
Wednesday May 03, 2017
How Did the Universe Begin?
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
COSMOS - How things start helps reveal what things are. How to conceive the beginning of the universe? What are latest theories? Are they all speculation? What’s the recent evidence?
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Why Philosophy of Physics & Cosmology?
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
COSMOS - The observable universe may contain two trillion galaxies and there may be innumerable universes. Is there ultimate unification, a final theory? Search for deep harmony. Discern deep meaning.
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
What Maintains Personal Identity?
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
CONSCIOUSNESS - What makes me a self? I see. I hear. I feel. How can separate perceptions bind together into a coherent mental unity? How can all be me? And how does my self persist through time?
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Does Metaphysics Reveal Reality?
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
COSMOS - Some think metaphysics is ancient nonsense; others that it's the bizarre occult. Real metaphysics asks the most profound questions, seeks the deepest truths.
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Is There a Final Theory of Everything?
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
COSMOS - It is the Holy Grail of physics: All the particles and forces of nature unified and explained by equations so simple that you can print them on your tee shirt. Are we getting there?